YOU GUYYSSSSS....We literally had a bucket list photo shoot of us in the Grand Canyon. Part of me wants to print like every photo of us and put it on our wall, but I know I shouldn't. If you know us, you know we live to travel. It's our favorite thing to do together. Flying across the world, eating new foods, seeing different cultures and exploring new places makes me feel the most alive. Last week, we went to Las Vegas to shoot a wedding (you'll have to wait on that blog).While there, we had a few extra days so we wanted to make sure we saw and did as much as we could in the time of being there...and boy did we cram it all in!

We only had a few hours in the Grand Canyon so it was hard deciding on what parts we wanted to see. After tons of research, we came across the White Domes and the Valley of Fire...and it was exactly what I wanted. I found this photo online of a specific rock formation that was the perfect spot to see the winding road in the background...well, if you didn't know, the Grand Canyon is full of rock formations so finding it was a little tricky. As we're driving down the road, I happened to look back and see the exact location of that specific rock.... like finding a needle in a haystack.

You would think that would have been the easy part right??? Well, let's just say 1) climbing this rock and 2) changing in 37 degree weather on the top of this rock wasn't a breeze...literally. BUT it was worth every shiver, scrape, chill and wind gust.

We then headed to the White Domes...honestly if you have never been, I would put it on your bucket list. The White Domes Trail is about a 2 mile hike (not bad at all). The views from it was literally breathtaking. At first, it's a pretty steep hike down, but once you get past that's super easy! We took our time, stopped every 10 feet for a photo and sat every now and then to take it all in. It's crazy that you can be in a place that makes you feel so small.

The rocks were absolutely AMAZING and the view was even better! It's one thing being on top of a rock, but being inside of one was a whole different feeling.

We took so many photos that day and I'm glad we did. I'm a big "just live in the moment" type of person. I think it's okay to leave your phone behind sometimes and just be there in the moment.Taking those moments to stop and take pictures of our time together is one of the most important parts of our trips.
Sure, they make for great backdrops on our phone... but years from now, I can't wait to be able to look back on all of our adventures together.